Category Archives: Incomplete

Deuteronomy 19

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Cities of Refuge and Other Issues of Law Deuteronomy 19     ContentsCities of Refuge (19:1-13)Issues of Law (19:14-21) Cities of Refuge (19:1-13) CHAPTER 19 1 When Jehovah thy God hath cut off the nations whose land Jehovah thy God giveth thee, and thou hast dispossessed them, and dwellest in their cities and in […]

Deuteronomy 18

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Importance of Honoring God in the Land Deuteronomy 18     ContentsThe Treatment and Portion of the Priests and Levites (18:1-8)Abstinence from the Ways of the Nations (18:9-14)The Prophet that Would Come, False Prophets (18:15-22) The Treatment and Portion of the Priests and Levites (18:1-8) CHAPTER 18 1 The priests, the Levites, and the whole tribe […]

Deuteronomy 16:18 – 17:20

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Government in the Land Deuteronomy 16:18 – 17:20     18 Judges and officers shalt thou make thee in all thy gates, which Jehovah thy God giveth thee, throughout thy tribes, that they may judge the people with just judgment. 19 Thou shalt not wrest judgment; thou shalt not respect persons, neither take a bribe; for […]

Deuteronomy 16:1-17

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   The Feasts of Jehovah Deuteronomy 16:1-17     CHAPTER 16 1 Keep the month of Abib, and celebrate the passover to Jehovah thy God; for in the month of Abib Jehovah thy God brought thee forth out of Egypt by night. 2 And thou shalt sacrifice the passover to Jehovah thy God, of the flock and […]

Deuteronomy 14 – 15

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Moral Fidelity to the Lord Deuteronomy 14 – 15     CHAPTER 14 1 Ye are sons of Jehovah your God: ye shall not cut yourselves, nor make any baldness between your eyes for a dead person. 2 For thou art a holy people unto Jehovah thy God, and thee hath Jehovah chosen for a people […]

Deuteronomy 13

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Doctrinal Evil and Its Consequence Deuteronomy 13     CHAPTER 13 1 If there arise among you a prophet, or one that dreameth dreams, and he give thee a sign or a wonder, 2 and the sign or the wonder come to pass that he told unto thee, when he said, Let us go after other […]

Deuteronomy 12

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Commandments Pertaining to Life in Canaan Deuteronomy 12 – 29   O U T L I N E – Commandments Pertaining to Life in Canaan Deut. 12 – 29 – The Place Where the Lord Would Put His Name Deut. 12 – Doctrinal Evil and Its Consequence Deut. 13 – Moral Fidelity to […]

Deuteronomy 9 – 11

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Remembering God’s Grace and the Condition of Obedience Deuteronomy 9 – 11     CHAPTER 9 1 Hear, Israel! Thou art to pass over the Jordan this day, to enter in to possess nations greater and mightier than thou, cities great and walled up to heaven, 2 a people great and tall, the sons of the […]

Deuteronomy 8

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Remembering the Lessons of the Wilderness Deuteronomy 8     CHAPTER 8 1 Every commandment which I command thee this day shall ye take heed to do, that ye may live, and multiply, and enter in and possess the land which Jehovah swore unto your fathers. 2 And thou shalt remember all the way which Jehovah […]

Deuteronomy 7

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Treatment of the Canaanite Nations Deuteronomy 7     CHAPTER 7 1 When Jehovah thy God shall bring thee into the land whither thou goest to possess it, and shall cast out many nations from before thee, the Hittites, and the Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, […]

Deuteronomy 6

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Obedience to the Law should Characterize the People Deuteronomy 6     CHAPTER 6 1 And these are the commandments, the statutes, and the ordinances, which Jehovah your God commanded to teach you, that ye may do them in the land whereunto ye pass over to possess it, 2 that thou mayest fear Jehovah thy God, […]

Deuteronomy 2 – 3

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Israel’s Journey to the Border Deuteronomy 2 – 3     ContentsThe Wandering Circle: 38 Years (2:1)Instructions not to attack Edom (2:2-7)Instructions not to attack Moab (2:8-15)Instructions not to attack Ammon (2:16-23)Victory over Sihon King of Heshbon (2:24-37)Victory over Og King of Bashan (3:1-11)The inheritance of the 2 ½ Tribes (3:12-17)Instructions for the 2 […]

Deuteronomy 1

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   A Backward Look at Israel’s History, Obedience Insisted On Deuteronomy 1 – 11   Four stages to the journey of the children of Israel, encompassing 42 encampments: From Egypt to Sinai (2 years) – Exodus from Sinai to Kadesh (11 days) – Deut. 1 From Kadesh to Kadesh (38 years) – Deut. 2:1 from […]

Numbers 33:50 – 36:13

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Instructions for Canaan Numbers 33:50 – 36:13     50 And Jehovah spoke to Moses in the plains of Moab by the Jordan of Jericho, saying, 51 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye pass over Jordan into the land of Canaan, 52 then ye shall dispossess all […]

Numbers 33:1-49

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   The Encampments Numbers 33:1-49     CHAPTER 33 1 These are the journeys of the children of Israel, who went forth out of the land of Egypt according to their armies under the hand of Moses and Aaron. 2 And Moses wrote their goings out according to their journeys by the commandment of […]

Numbers 32

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   The Two and a Half Tribes Settle for East of Jordan Numbers 32     CHAPTER 32 1 And the children of Reuben and the children of Gad had much cattle, a very great multitude; and they saw the land of Jaazer, and the land of Gilead, and behold, the place was a […]

Numbers 31

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   War with Midian Numbers 31     CHAPTER 31 1 And Jehovah spoke to Moses, saying, 2 Avenge the children of Israel upon the Midianites; afterwards shalt thou be gathered unto thy peoples. 3 And Moses spoke to the people, saying, Arm from amongst you men for military service, that they go against […]

Numbers 30

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Vows Numbers 30     CHAPTER 30 1 And Moses spoke to the heads of the tribes of the children of Israel, saying, This is what Jehovah hath commanded. 2 If a man vow a vow to Jehovah, or swear an oath to bind his soul with a bond, he shall not break […]

Numbers 28 – 29

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Offerings and Feasts Numbers 28 – 29     CHAPTER 28 1 And Jehovah spoke to Moses, saying, 2 Command the children of Israel, and say unto them, My offering, my bread for my offerings by fire of sweet odour to me, shall ye take heed to present to me at their set […]

Numbers 27:12-23

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   The Succession of Leadership Numbers 27:12-23     12 And Jehovah said to Moses, Get thee up into this mount Abarim, and see the land that I have given unto the children of Israel. 13 And when thou hast seen it, thou also shalt be gathered unto thy peoples, as Aaron thy brother […]