Category Archives: Encyclopedia

El Shaddai

Main article: Names of God Related: Jehovah; Elohim; El Elyon   “El Shaddai”, or God Almighty. The name of Almighty God has the thought of special strength on behalf of those who are called by Him; i.e. power and provision for His people. It is a special name of character and relationship with those to whom […]


Main article: Names of God Related: Jehovah; El Shaddai   Elohim is the common name for God in the Old Testament. Elohim means “the mighty one”, and it refers to God in the strength of His being. “El” (a general form) and “Eloah” (a singular form) are other versions of the same name. Elohim is the name of […]

El Elyon

Main article: Names of God Related: Jehovah; El Shaddai; Elohim   “El Elyon”, or the Most High God. This name has the thought of the Possessor and Blesser of the universe. “Most High” is a name God takes in connection with men as the Supreme Governor of all things; setting Himself above all idolatrous gods, all demons and […]

Great White Throne

Main article: Millennium and Eternal State Related: Sessional Judgment; Judgment of the Quick and the Dead   The Great White Throne. Just before the elements melt, the second resurrection will occur, called the “resurrection of damnation” (John 5:29) and the “resurrection of the unjust” (Acts 24:15). All who have died in their sins without faith […]

Moral Glory of Christ

Related: The Personal Glory of Christ; The Official Glory of Christ; The Mediatorial Glory of Christ   The moral glory of our Lord Jesus Christ is that intrinsic glory which pertains to Christ in the perfection of His character (light and love on display). We see in this glory the perfection of Christ’s character as a man; all […]

Church Heresies

Related: The Trinity   Heresies of the Catholic Church. When looking into Church history, it can be difficult to keep all the heresies straight. Following is a list of ten of the major heresies that rose up in the Catholic church:   Gnosticism (1st to 5th Century) The word Gnostic comes from the Greek word […]


Related: Fossil Record; Archeology and Anthropology   Evolution. In 1859 Charles Darwin published his famous work “On the Origin of Species”, the full title being “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life”. In this popular work, Darwin presented his theory of the […]


Main article: Names of God Related: Elohim; El Shaddai; El Elyon   Jehovah is the modern transliteration of the Hebrew name Yahweh, which is God’s name in relationship with men, especially with Israel. Hence in Genesis 1 we have only “Elohim”, the Creator; but in Genesis 2 we have “Jehovah Elohim,” because the relationship of God with men […]

Archeology and Anthropology

Related: Evolution; The Fossil Record   Modern Archeology and Anthropology. The conclusions of modern archeologists and anthropologists about the early history of man is founded on human wisdom and speculation. We must turn to the Word of God to get His account of early man. Genesis 1 – 11 are key chapters, as well as the […]

The Indwelling Spirit

Main article: The Holy Spirit Related: Baptism of the Spirit   Three Aspects of the Indwelling of the Spirit. Believers at the present time have the Spirit indwelling them in three aspects: The Anointing (Unction) of the Spirit (1 John 2:20; 27; 2 Cor. 1:21). The “anointing” or “unction” of the Spirit is the ability of the […]

The Fossil Record

Related: Evolution; Archeology and Anthropology   The Fossil Record and Dating. The fossil record provides a scattered and incomplete history of the living species on earth. Impressions of creatures, their bones, or even preserved remains in layers of sediment give us hints as to what species lived on earth in past generations. The fossil record has been […]


Related: Paul’s Prayers   Prayer is a major component of practical Christianity, and critical to a walk of communion with God. In scripture, prayer is the simple way a soul can address God. Prayer and reading the Bible are often coupled together in scripture, perhaps because they are the two sides of communion with God. […]

Official Glory of Christ

Related: The Personal Glory of Christ; The Moral Glory of Christ; The Mediatorial Glory of Christ   The official glory of our Lord Jesus Christ is that which pertains to Christ in His messianic offices; as Prophet, Priest, and King. These glories were His by heirship. For instance, He was born King of Israel. He was born a Savior. But He […]

Personal Glory of Christ

Related: The Moral Glory of Christ; The Official Glory of Christ; The Mediatorial Glory of Christ   The personal glory of our Lord Jesus Christ is that essential glory which pertains to Christ in His intra-Trinitarian identity; as the Eternal Son of God. (Heb. 1, Col. 1, John 1). To summarize, the personal glory of Christ is […]

The Apostles’ Doctrine

Overview. The three great New Testament apostles can be summarized as follows: Peter gives us the kingdom of God. Paul gives us the assembly of God. John gives us the family of God. Peter was given the keys to the kingdom in Matt. 16. He writes to establish Jewish believers that the coming kingdom glory wasn’t lost. […]

Atoning Sufferings of Christ

Main article: The Sufferings of Christ   Christ’s Atoning Sufferings are what Christ endured on the cross to put away sin in three hours of darkness. At Gethsemane the Lord came to terms with his Father about the cross, but at Calvary He paid the debt. Our minds can only begin to comprehend all the […]

Tripartite Being of Man

Spirit, Soul, and Body. Man has three parts to his being; a physical part, an emotional part, and a spiritual part. Animals have a body and soul, but no spirit. Plants have a body, but no soul. Angels are “ministering spirits” (Heb. 1:14). Only man has all three. Body gives us world-consciousness, soul gives us self-consciousness, […]

The Bride of Christ

Related: Baptism of the Spirit; The House of God; The Body of Christ   The Bride of Christ. The Bride of Christ is an aspect of the Church of God in which there is a mystical union between Christ and His Church. The preeminent theme in this union is love… the Church is the object […]

Paul’s Journeys

Salamis (Acts 13:4-5) Paphos (Acts 13:6) Perga (Acts 13:13) Antioch, Pisidia (Acts 13:14) Iconium (Acts 13:51) Lystra (Acts 14:8) Derbe (Acts 14:20) Lystra (Acts 14:21) Iconium (Acts 14:21) Antioch, Pisidia (Acts 14:21) Perga (Acts 14:24-25) Antioch (Acts 14:26)   Tarsus (Acts 15:41) Derbe (Acts 16:1) Lystra (Acts 16:1) Antioch, Pisidia (Acts 16:4) Troas (Acts 16:6,8) […]

Moral Sufferings of Christ

Main article: The Sufferings of Christ   Christ’s Moral Sufferings are what the Lord felt because of who He was as a holy Man in a world of sin. Sometimes these sufferings are called His constitutional sufferings.   Christ’s Groaning. We see the moral sufferings of Christ never so clearly as in John 11, at the grave of Lazarus. Twice […]