Category Archives: Commentary

Luke 24

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   The Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Luke 24   Christ’s Resurrection. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is vital to Christianity because it is the proof that our sins are gone, and that God is satisfied with the work of Calvary. The Lord rose bodily from the dead, not merely in spirit, as some have […]

Ecclesiastes 7

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Advice on How to Avoid Life Catastrophes Ecclesiastes 7     ContentsBetter Living: Things that are “Better” (7:1-14)Balanced Living (7:15-29)Concerning Righteousness and Wickedness (7:15-18)Concerning Wisdom and Strength (7:19-24)Concerning the Preacher’s Failures with Women (7:25-29) Better Living: Things that are “Better” (7:1-14) CHAPTER 7 1 A good name is better than precious ointment, and […]

2 Kings 4

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Grace Working in Spite of the Effects of Sin 2 Kings 4     ContentsThe Prophet’s Widow (4:1-7)The Shunammite (4:8-37)Death in the Pot (4:38-41)The Man of Baal-Shalishah (4:42-44) The Prophet’s Widow (4:1-7) CHAPTER 4 1 And a woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets cried to Elisha saying, Thy servant […]

Mark 8:10 – 9:13

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Withdrawal From Public Paths: 5th Dispensational Outline Mark 8:10 – 9:13     ContentsThe Shores of Galilee: Christ’s First Coming to Israel (8:10-26)Voyage Across Galilee: Warnings About the Pharisees (vv.10-21)The Pharisees Desire a Sign from Heaven (vv.10-13)Warning the Disciples about the Leaven of the Pharisees and Herod (vv.14-21)Healing of the Blind Man in […]

Mark 2

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Second Visit to Capernaum: Overview of the Lord’s Service (Four P’s) Mark 2     ContentsPower: to Forgive Sins (2:1-12)Healing of the Paralyzed Man (Let Down Through Roof) (vv.1-5)Dispute with the Scribes Over Authority to Forgive Sins (vv.6-12)Purpose: to Call Sinners to Repentance (2:13-17)Teaching the Crowds by the Sea (v.13)Calling of Levi, A […]

Mark 14:53 – 15:15

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Trials of Christ Mark 14:53 – 15:15     ContentsTrial Before the Sanhedrin (14:53-65)Peter’s Three Denials of Jesus (14:66-72)Trial Before Pilate (15:1-15) Trial Before the Sanhedrin (14:53-65) 53 And they led away Jesus to the high priest. And there come together to him all the chief priests and the elders and the scribes. 54 And Peter […]

Luke 18:1 – 19:27

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Things that Help or Hinder Spiritual Blessing Luke 18:1 – 19:27     ContentsPerseverance in Prayer: The Parable of the Unjust Judge (18:1-8)Humility: The Prayers of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector (18:9-14)The Importance of Childlikeness: Simple Trust (18:15-17)Giving up All to Follow Christ (18:18-30)The Rich Young Ruler: Danger of Covetousness (vv.18-27)The Reward […]

2 Corinthians 8 – 9

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Exhortations on Giving 2 Corinthians 8 – 9   The Collection. One of the most basic Christian privileges is giving. We have a giving God (John 3:16), and we ought to reflect His character. Throughout the New Testament we have instructions and patterns set forward for the assembly to […]

Mark 3

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Teaching and Rejection of Christ: Picture of His First Coming to Isreal Mark 3     ContentsLiberty to Do Good Beyond the Demands of the Law (3:1-6)Healing of the Man With a Withered Hand (vv.1-5)The Pharisees and Herodians Plot to Kill the Lord (v.6)Power to Heal the Nation Demonstrated: Healing the Multitudes (3:7-12)The […]

Mark 7:1 – 8:9

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Ministry in the Surrounding Lands: The Scope of Service Mark 7 – 9   O U T L I N E – Ministry in the Surrounding Lands: The Scope of Service Mark 7 – 9 – Human Religion vs. the Heart of God: 4th Dispensational Outline Mark 7:1 – 8:9 – Withdrawal From […]

Luke 11:14-54

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Confrontation with the Pharisees: First Cycle Luke 11:14-54     ContentsAccusation that Jesus Worked by Beelzebub (11:14-28)Accusation that the Source of the Lord’s Power was Beelzebub (vv.14-16)A House Divided, A Kingdom Divided Cannot Stand (vv.17-18)A Strong Man Bound (vv.19-23)When the Unclean Spirit Has Gone Out of a Man (vv.24-26)A Woman’s Blessing on the […]

2 Kings 24:8 – 25:30

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   The Babylonian Captivity 2 Kings 24:8 – 25:30     ContentsJehoiachin: King of Judah (Evil – 3 Months) (24:8-16)Zedekiah: King of Judah (Evil – 11 Years) (24:17 – 25:21)Gedaliah: Governor of Judah (Good) (25:22-26)Jehoiachin Partially Restored (25:27-30) Jehoiachin: King of Judah (Evil – 3 Months) (24:8-16) 8 Jehoiachin was eighteen years old when […]

Galatians 5 – 6

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Practical: Exhortations Based on Liberty Galatians 5 – 6   Galatians 5 – 6. The two main sections of ch.5 can be correlated to the two exhortations at the end of the allegory in the previous chapter. First, how to deal with the bondwoman (vv.1-12); i.e. liberty as a result of understanding our […]

2 Kings 8:16-29

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Kings of Israel and of Judah 2 Kings 8:16 – 17:41   O U T L I N E – Kings of Israel and of Judah 2 Kings 8:16 – 17:41 – Jehoram: King of Judah (Evil – 8 Years) 2 Kings 8:16-24 – Ahaziah: King of Judah (Evil – 1 Year) 2 […]

Matthew 13:53 – 15:39

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   The King in Withdrawal from the Nation of Israel Matthew 13:53 – 15:39     ContentsUnbelief in His Hometown of Nazareth (13:53-58)Beheading of John the Baptist by Herod (14:1-12)First Dispensational Outline: Miracles on the Sea of Galilee (14:13-36)Second Dispensational Outline: to Syro-Phoenicia and Back Again (Matt. 15) Unbelief in His Hometown of Nazareth (13:53-58) […]

2 Kings 22:1 – 23:30

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Josiah: King of Judah (Good 31 Years) 2 Kings 22:1 – 23:30   SEVEN STEPS OF JOSIAH: He is characterized by individual piety; He has an interest in the House of God – repairing it; He has an appreciation for and sumission to the word of god. finds the Word of God, trembles […]

2 Kings 23:31 – 24:7

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   The Final Downfall 2 Kings 23:31 – 25:30   O U T L I N E – The Final Downfall 2 Kings 23:31 – 25:30 – Judah Ravaged by Enemies 2 Kings 23:31 – 24:7 – Jehoahaz: King of Judah (Evil – 3 Months) 2 Kings 23:31-35 – Jehoiakim: King of Judah (Evil […]

Luke 1

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Background, Birth, and Childhood of Jesus Luke 1 – 3   O U T L I N E – Background, Birth, and Childhood of Jesus Luke 1 – 3 – Greeting and Preface Luke 1:1-4 – The Birth and Childhood of John the Baptist Luke 1:5-80 – The Birth and Childhood of Jesus […]

Luke 19:45 – 20:47

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Religious Opposition in the Temple Luke 19:45 – 20:47     ContentsThe Cleansing of the Temple in Jerusalem (19:45-46)Confrontation with the Religious Leaders (19:47 – 21:47) The Cleansing of the Temple in Jerusalem (19:45-46) 45 And entering into the temple, he began to cast out those that sold and bought in it, 46 […]