King of kings and Lord of lords ⇒ Encyclopedia

The King of kings and Lord of lords is a reference to Christ returning from heaven in a warrior character (Rev. 19:11-16; Rev. 17:14). He will come "judging and making war in righteousness". Accompanying Him will be the armies of heaven (Rev. 19:14), which are the heavenly saints (Jude 14).
Timing and Battles. Christ will appear at 3 1/2 years from the middle of Daniel's 70th week. No one knows "the day nor the hour" of the appearing (Matt. 24:36). However, we do know it will be after 1260 days, because the Lord will be absent at the attack of the King of the North. We also know it will be before 1290 days, because the Lord will be present to destroy the King of the North on his return from Egypt. But the exact date cannot be known, according to the Lord's declaration in the Olivet discourse. What will the Lord do when He appears? First, He will destroy the Beast's army at Armageddon. Then He will execute the Harvest Judgment on Christendom (Rev. 14:14-16, Matt. 13:39-43), coming "as a thief in the night". The Lord will appear to the north of the land, but will not yet reveal Himself to the Jews. Then He will deal with the King of the North returning from Egypt, and then reveal Himself to the Jews. After the ten tribes return and Israel is restored, the Lord will deal with the Russian Confederacy at the Wine-press Judgment (Rev. 14:17-20; Isa. 63:1-6). All this will be accomplished by the Lord in His "Davidic" or "warrior" character.
Sessional Judgment. The Lord will then begin to set up His millennial kingdom. Before the Millennium can begin, He will deal with the Gentile nations who will be arraigned before "the throne of His glory", and separated as a shepherd separates his sheep from his goats (Matt. 25:31-46). The Lord will then establish His throne, and begin to heal the earth from the effects of the curse. All this will be accomplished by the Lord in His "Solomonic" or "peaceful" character.