2024 Update


It has been a number of years since I sent out an update. It was not my intention to allow so much time to pass before I sent something. Several of you have even wondered if there was a problem with the contact form of the website! Since I cannot remember when I sent the last update, I’ll just mention where I’m spending my time, and potential future projects.

Many of you are familiar with the “articles” section of the website. However, my main focus has been on the commentary. Over the last five years Philippians through Jude have been completed, and I’m currently working on Revelation and nearly finished. In the Old Testament, I’ve completed Genesis and the Psalms.

As part of the study on Revelation, I’ve put together a new chart. Here is a link to the chart. If you have any feedback or suggestions on this chart, feel free to share.

Website improvements:

  • The main search bar on the website can now be used to quickly jump to a given chapter. For example, searching “Gen 22” will take you directly to Genesis chapter 22, without having to pick through a search results page for the correct link.
  • The font size of the verse numbers has been increased, as well as a marker added to the left of each verse number on mobile view only. I hope this makes finding a particular verse easier, given the paragraph formatting.

Future projects:

  • Once the New Testament commentary is complete, I’d like to add a chapter summary for each chapter, like a synopsis that covers the main themes.
  • A timeline widget that could be accessed from the bottom of the screen showing the relevant timeline (life of Abraham, history of the kings, prophetic events, etc.) and “You are here” based on what passage you are reading.

Other work:

All this if the Lord wills!

On a personal note, the Lord has been very good to my wife and I along with our four growing children (11 yrs to 5 yrs).

Josh Stewart

“… And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 4:7)

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